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Do you find yourself wondering what it might be like to work as a counselor? Counselors work in many settings, and USM has a master's program that prepares students to work as mental health, school, and rehabilitation counselors. Stop by the conference for a glimpse into what the field is thinking about and meet students who are pursuing the career path. The following links are also great resources for further exploration:


USM Counselor Education Program

American Counseling Association

American School Counselor Association

National Council on Rehabilitation Education


#schoolcounselor #rehabcounselor #mentalhealthcounselor #helpingprofession #putthatpsychdegreetouse #beselfactualizing 

#aca #asca #ncre #cacrep 

#core #crc #lcpc #ladc #k-12

Curious About Counseling?

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